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EIP-2970: IS_STATIC opcode

🚧 StagnantCore


This EIP has had no recent activity for at least 6 months, and has automatically been marked as stagnant. This EIP should not be used in production.

If you are interested in helping move this EIP to final, create a PR to move this EIP back to Draft and add yourself as an author, and an EIP editor will help guide you through the process. Thank you!

AuthorsVitalik Buterin (@vbuterin)

Simple Summary

Add a IS_STATIC (0x4A) opcode that pushes 1 if the current context is static (ie. the execution is in a STATICCALL or a descendant thereof, so state-changing operations are not possible), and 0 if it is not.



The main intended use case is to allow account abstraction (EIP 2938) to be extended so that accounts can allow static calls from the outside (which are harmless to AA's security model) but not state-changing calls.


Add a IS_STATIC (0x4A) opcode that pushes 1 if the current context is static (ie. the execution is in a STATICCALL or a descendant thereof, so state-changing operations are not possible), and 0 if it is not.


Determining staticness is already possibly using the following hacky technique: make a CALL with limited gas, and inside that CALL issue one LOG and exit. If the context is static, the CALL would fail and leave a 0 on the stack; if the context is non-static, the CALL would succeed. However, this technique is fragile against changes to gas costs, and is needlessly wasteful. Hence, the status quo neither allows a reasonably effective way of determining whether or not the context is static, nor provides any kind of invariant that executions that do not fail outright will execute the same way in a static and non-static context. This EIP provides a cleaner way of determining staticness.

Backwards Compatibility


Security Considerations


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


Please cite this document as:

Vitalik Buterin, "EIP-2970: IS_STATIC opcode[DRAFT]," Ethereum Improvement Proposals, no. 2970, 2020. [Online serial]. Available: