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EIP-1588: Hardfork Meta: Ethereum ProgPoW

🚧 StagnantMeta


This EIP has had no recent activity for at least 6 months, and has automatically been marked as stagnant. This EIP should not be used in production.

If you are interested in helping move this EIP to final, create a PR to move this EIP back to Draft and add yourself as an author, and an EIP editor will help guide you through the process. Thank you!

AuthorsIkmyeong Na (@naikmyeong)


This meta-EIP specifies the changes included in the alternative Ethereum hardfork named Ethereum ProgPoW.


  • Codename: Ethereum ProgPoW
  • Aliases: N/A
  • Activation:
    • Block >= 7280000 on the Ethereum mainnet
  • Included EIPs:
    • EIP-1057: ProgPoW, a Programmatic Proof-of-Work

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Please cite this document as:

Ikmyeong Na, "EIP-1588: Hardfork Meta: Ethereum ProgPoW[DRAFT]," Ethereum Improvement Proposals, no. 1588, 2018. [Online serial]. Available: